Let's Get Started!
Think about how your “Timeline of Events” shows important events from your life
Find a way to share your final work
Your finished “Timeline of Events”
“Sharing” handout (optional)
We’re thinking about the question: How can we create a historical record of important events?
Your challenge this week is to create a “Timeline of Events” to show important events from your life.
Reflecting and Sharing
15-20 Minutes
Congratulations, you have created a primary source that documents events from your life in a timeline. Maybe future historians will use your timeline as a source to understand more about you!
If you could look at anyone’s timeline, who would you choose? Why?
Look at your finished “Timeline of Events.” Think or discuss:
Did you reach your goal?
What do you hope others will learn when they see your work?
Here are some ideas for connecting with others:
Share with a family member and…
Help them to create their own.
Ask them if they have comments, questions, or a connection to your work (or use the “Sharing” handout to get a written response).
Ask an adult to help you share your work online with the #inquirEDtogether hashtag.
Keep your “Timeline of Events” somewhere safe. You can look back on it later to remember this unique moment in history.