Let's Get Started!


Think about how your “Timeline of Events” works as a primary source to document your history
Find a way to share your final work

Your finished “Timeline of Events”
“Reflection” handout (optional)
“Sharing” handout (optional)

We’re thinking about the question: How can we create a historical record of important events?
Your challenge this week is to create a “Timeline of Events” as a primary source to represent important events from a selected span of time.

Reflecting and Sharing
15-20 Minutes

Congratulations, you have created a primary source that documents events from your life in a timeline. Maybe future historians will use your timeline as a source to understand more about you!
If you could look at anyone’s timeline, who would you choose? Why?

Look at your finished “Timeline of Events” and reflect on your work in writing. Write it out on a piece of paper (or use the “Reflection” handout if you like).
How would you explain the choices you made in designing your timeline?
What do you hope others will know when they see your work?
If you were going to learn more about timelines, what questions would you ask?

Here are some ideas for connecting with others:
Share with a family member and…
Help them to create their own.
Ask them if they have comments, questions, or a connection to your work (or use the “Sharing” handout to get a written response).
Ask an adult to help you share your work online with the #inquirEDtogether hashtag.
Keep your “Timeline of Events” somewhere safe. You can look back on it later to remember this unique moment in history.