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Let's Get Started!
Today you will3.png
  • Reflect on your “Quest Map”

  • Find a way to share your final work

You will need5.png



We’re thinking about the question: “How can we ask, improve, and plan to investigate questions that are meaningful to us?”

Your challenge this week is to create a “Quest Map” that describes how and why you will explore your inspiring question.



Reflecting and Sharing

15-20 Minutes


Think about all the hard work that you have put into creating your “Quest Map.” Now it’s time to try it out!

  • When are you going to go on your quest to answer your question?

  • Why did you choose your topic?

  • What do you want to tell others about how to ask questions?

You have learned all about asking questions this week, and now you have the tools to ask inspiring questions.

May your life be full of many quests!


Look at your finished “Quest Map” and reflect on your work in writing. Write it out on a piece of paper (or use the “Reflection” handout if you like).

  • How would you explain the choices you made in designing your quest?

  • How do you feel when you think about going on your quest?

  • How do you think your quest will inspire others?


Here are some ideas for connecting with others:

Share your “Quest Map” with a family member and…

  • Help them to create their own.

  • Ask them if they have comments, questions, or a connection to your work (or use the “Sharing” handout to get a written response).

  • Ask an adult to help you share your work online with the #inquirEDtogether hashtag.

Keep photographs and other evidence from your “Quest Map” somewhere safe. You can look back on these later to remember this unique moment in history.

All finished?

Way to go! You've created your very own Quest Map!

Inquiry for Every Classroom

inquirED provides support for schools and districts as they shift to inquiry-based social studies. 


 inquirED © 2022

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