Reflecting and Sharing
15-20 Minutes
Think about how your “My Global Connections Infographic” shows how you are connected to faraway people and places
Think about how your “My Global Connections Infographic” communicates information to others
Find a way to share your final work
Your finished “My Global Connections Infographic”
“Sharing” handout (optional)
We’re thinking about
the question:
“How do the things we use connect us to people and places around the world?”
Your challenge this week is to create a “My Global Connections Infographic” showing how the items you use every day connect you to faraway people and places.
Let's Get Started!
Look around you right now. Notice the things in the room.
How many people have helped to make the things around you?
How far have these things traveled to get to you?
Look at your finished “My Global Connections Infographic.” Think about or discuss:
How would you explain your infographic to someone else?
Now it’s time to share your work with others!
Here are some ideas for connecting with others:
Share with a family member and…
Help them to create their own.
Ask them if they have comments, questions, or a connection to your work (or use the “Sharing” handout to get a written response).
Hang your “My Global Connections Infographic” in the window.
Ask an adult to help you share your work online with the #inquirEDtogether hashtag.
Keep your “My Global Connections Infographic” with your other work from this time. You can look back on these later to remember this unique moment in history.