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Reflecting and Sharing


15-20 Minutes

Today you will3.png
  • Reflect on your “Coded Message”

  • Share your “Coded Message” and its code key

You will need5.png



We’re thinking about

the question: 

"How can we communicate with others to share our thoughts and ideas?"

Your challenge this week is to connect to someone using a “Coded Message.”

Let's Get Started!


Like spies of the past, could you and other people in your life communicate through more coded messages?


Anytime we share messages, we need to be thoughtful about how they will be received.


The Coding Code of Conduct:


Be Responsible, Respectful, and Safe when sending and sharing messages.

video from Common Sense Media

For more about mindful messaging, check out this important video.


Now that you’ve completed your “Coded Message,” it’s time to share your work with others!


Here are some ideas for connecting with others:

  • Share your “Coded Message” and its code key with the person who it was intended for (or use the “Sharing” handout to get a written response).

  • Share your code key with others and continue sending messages back and forth!

  • Share your code key and a new message with your classroom community (if this is an option).

  • Ask an adult to help you share your code key and a new message online with the #inquirEDtogether hashtag. 

  • Keep your “Coded Message” and its code key as an historical record that you and others can look back on later.

All Finished?

Way to go! You've examined historical codes and have now created your own "Coded Message."

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