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Exploring Tall Tales


15-20 Minutes

Today you will3.png
  • Explore special traits of tall-tale characters

  • Recognize and create exaggerations

  • Pick a personal hero

You will need5.png
  • Paper or notebook

  • Pencil, pen, or other writing tool



We’re thinking about

the question: 

"How can we celebrate our everyday heroes?”

Your challenge this week is to create a “Tall-Tale Trading Card” that describes the special traits and talents of your personal hero.

Let's Get Started!



Look at this postcard. 


Ask yourself:

  • What’s going on here?

  • What seems real?

  • What seems fake?  

Tall-tale postcards like the one in the picture were made by putting together different photos to make unbelievable scenes, like a corncob so big that it took a horse-drawn cart to move it! 

Like the postcards, stories called tall tales were popular in the United States in the 1800s and early 1900s. These tales were exaggerated, meaning that people and events were made to seem much larger or greater than they really were. 


tall tale:


a story about a larger-than-life character, sometimes based on a real person, who has exaggerated adventures



described as larger or greater than is true

Paul Bunyan Statue in Bangor, Maine image from Wikipedia


This picture shows a statue of a tall-tale character.


  • What’s something you notice about it?

  • How would you describe the person in it? 



The statue is of a tall-tale character named Paul Bunyan, a mighty lumberjack. People began to tell stories about the lumberjacks of North America in the late 1800s, when the Western United States was first being settled.


At this time, lumberjacks did the work of cutting down trees so that towns and farms could be created.

"Disney’s Paul Bunyan (1937)" video

Here is a short video that shares some tall tales about Paul Bunyan. Before you watch, read these larger-than-life descriptions of Paul Bunyan.


  • Paul Bunyan called his men by blowing through a hollow tree. When he spoke, the limbs fell off the trees. 

  • For a giant, Paul was very quick on his feet. He could blow out a candle at one end of his house and be in his bed on the other side of the house before the flame went out. 

  • Paul scooped out the Grand Canyon with his bare hands.


What do these exaggerations tell us about him?  


What do they tell us about what people might have valued during this time period? 


Go ahead and watch the tall-tale video. Does it support or change your thinking?

This tall tale makes Paul Bunyan seem superhuman in strength, skill, and size. 

All of these traits were important for lumberjacks living and making homes in wild, forested areas. 




a quality that makes one person different from another


Your challenge this week: Create a “Tall-Tale Trading Card” that describes the special talents and traits of a hero. Today, you're going to choose your real-life hero!



A trading card – like this one of Paul Bunyan – usually contains a picture of a person with some important facts about them.


People often collect or trade these cards with other people.


The trading card you create will describe a real-life hero. This might be a person in your own family, your community, or anywhere in the world. 




Think about:


  • Who are the heroes in your life? 

  • What makes them special? What trait or talent do you admire about them? 

    • Are they strong like Paul Bunyan?

    • Do they have a skill or talent?

    • Is there something else special about them, like kindness or courage?


You're going to:





  • Make a list of three people that you think are heroes in your life.

  • Include an important trait or talent for each person.  




  • Choose one of the heroes from your list.

  • Practice talking about your hero in an exaggerated way. 

  • Need help? Look at the example below. Notice how each sentence about Paul Bunyan is a bigger exaggeration! Can you do the same with your hero?

    • 1st try: Paul Bunyan is so strong he can cut down a forest by himself.

    • 2nd try: Paul Bunyan is so strong he can clear a forest with one swing of his axe.

    • 3rd try: Paul Bunyan is so strong he can clear a whole forest with one swing of his axe, or sometimes with just a sneeze! 

Ready for Day 2?

On day 2, you will investigate what makes a story into a tall tale, then create a plan for your “Tall-Tale Trading Card.”

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