Reflecting and Sharing
15-20 Minutes

Think about how your “Tall-Tale Trading Card” turns a real-life person into a larger-than-life character
Find a way to share your final work

Your finished “Tall-Tale Trading Card”

We’re thinking about
the question:
"How can we celebrate our everyday heroes?”
Your challenge this week is to create a “Tall-Tale Trading Card” that describes the special traits and talents of your personal hero.
Let's Get Started!

Ordinary people became heroes of tall tales in the past. Just imagine: Your hero might inspire a tall tale in the future!

Look at your finished “Tall-Tale Trading Card.“
How would you explain the choices you made in designing your trading card to someone else?
Why is it important to celebrate our everyday heroes?
What do you hope people will understand about your hero by looking at your trading card?

Now that you’ve finished your “Tall-Tale Trading Card,” it’s time to share your work with others!

Here are some ideas for connecting with others:
Share with a family member and…
Help them to create their own.
Ask them if they have comments, questions, or a connection to your work (or use the “Sharing” handout to get a written response).
Ask an adult to help you share your work online with the #inquirEDtogether hashtag.
Send your “Tall-Tale Trading Card” to the person you represented.
Hang your “Tall-Tale Trading Card” in the window.
Keep your “Tall-Tale Trading Card” somewhere safe as a historical record that you and others can look back on later.