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Evaluating the Work

15-20 Minutes

Today you will3.png
  • Think about your work and reflect on your progress

  • Make a plan to improve your work

You will need5.png
  • Your work from previous activities

  • Paper or notebook

  • Pencil, pen, or other writing tool



We’re thinking about the question: “How do the things we use connect us to people and places around the world?”

Your challenge this week is to create a “My Global Connections Infographic” showing how the items you use every day connect you to faraway people and places.

Let's Get Started!

You’ve already started creating your “My Global Connections Infographic.” When someone looks at your work, they should see:

  • ​A sketch of yourself using some of your items

  • Drawings of 4 of your items

  • Words that tell how your items connect you to a distant place

Egg on Knee


Look at this student’s “My Global Connections Infographic.”

  • Does this work show the student using some of their items?

  • Does this work have drawings for 4 of the items?

  • Does this work tell how items connect this student to places around the world?

  • How did this student use color to make their work clear?

Now imagine we have the chance to give this student feedback on their work to make it stronger and clearer.

Egg on Knee


What advice would you give the student to make this work even stronger?

The student could use color to…

The student could add…

The student could try…

The student could change…


Your challenge this week: Create a “My Global Connections Infographic” that shows how the items you use every day connect you to faraway people and places.

Today, you will look at the sketch you made of your “My Global Connections Infographic” to see if you are meeting your goals.


1. Pencils down! This is a thinking exercise


2. Look at your work and ask:

  • Does my work show a drawing of myself as I use some of my items?

  • Does my work show drawings of my 4 items?

  • Does my work use words to tell how my items connect me to faraway places?


3. Wait, still don’t touch your work! First, make a plan to improve it.

  • Think about how you can use color to make your work more clear to others. Complete this sentence:
    I will use color to…

  • Now, complete one of the sentences below to help you think of another way to improve your work:
    I will add…
    I will try…
    I will adjust…

Remember to save the plan you made to improve your work and the sketch of your “My Global Connections Infographic.”

You’ll use them both to create your final “My Global Connections Infographic.”

Ready for Day 4?

On day 4, you will finish your “My Global Connections Infographic.”

Inquiry for Every Classroom

inquirED provides support for schools and districts as they shift to inquiry-based social studies. 


 inquirED © 2022

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